
"Au coeur de l'hiver" - Festival Page Blanche

Saturday 19 October 2024 at 5 pm.

Event at Buisson :

"The Page Blanche string quartet has four virtuoso young musicians from the Orchestre de Paris, who are as passionate about music as they are talented.
Immersion in the depths of the night and discovering its many faces."
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"A string quartet with a double bass?
Oddly this alchemy has never been used by “classical” music composers... In making this observation, as part of their training the four artists in the Page Blanche string quartet rewrote masterpieces by the greatest “classical” composers, but also popular music, by introducing the superb sound of the double bass."

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Dates and times

Saturday 19 October 2024 at 5 pm.


Full price: 15 €, Reduced price: 10 € (RSA, jobseekers, students (on presentation of proof)), Child: 5 €.

Spoken languages

  • French


23 rue de la Mairie
84110 Buisson


Longitude : 4.99728
Latitude : 44.280828